
free psp games - Rumored new PSP will drop UMDs, add touchscreen

It appears that the new archetypal will buck the PSP Go! name,free psp games, a rumor fueled by the actuality that Sony is acerb abetment its Go! cast (including the1.3 megapixel Go!Cam or the Go!View video on-demand service)

According to a 1Up report, the new PSP animate will lose its UMD disc drive. On the added hand, the redesigned handheld will affection a d-pad, analog nub, and face buttons. In addition, the new PSP will accept 8 GB or 16 GB of beam memory.

Sony is accepted to absolution the new animate this September in Japan. The North American absolution has yet to be affianced down,psp demos, but sources affirmation that the absolution will be appointed for backward October or aboriginal November.

The new PSP animate is appropriately accession on the bazaar alone 6 months afterwards the the barrage of the new Nintendo DSi. The move is aggregate but strange: Sony absent the war for handheld supremacy to Nintendo, but getting amount 2 is one affair and getting a abroad amount 2 is another.

If they get rid of the UMD drive, which I am abiding they will do to abbreviate it up, I bet they are traveling to just advertise amateur on anamnesis sticks. It would accomplish added faculty and the old PSPs could use them too. Also, I bet there will be bifold analog sticks. The blow awning would be acceptable to action the iPhone. Motion analysis too, agnate to sixaxis. A camera would be a bit much. Maybe addition advertisement camera, included or not. It would accept the aforementioned button lay out and maybe a array that lasts longer. Again all speculation, but we should see something at e3. I will be a lot of searching advanced to bifold analog sticks.


